You can _______.


Have you had someone put you down lately?  Ya. It sucks.

So this is for you. Sitting behind the screen. I don’t know you, but I know you need encouragement.

So right now, let me say you are important. You are making a difference in people’s lives. People’s lives are better because of you.  It’s totally true! You are important!

I bet if you put your mind to it and worked hard, you could become debt free. I bet you could overcome your fears if you just kept your chin up.

I think you have alot of potential that nobody ever tells you about. Seriously, I’ve met alot of people nobody has faith in. I can always find something positive in them. For instance, my friend sucks in school. His parents and mine say he has so many problems. Sure, but he has ambition, skill, and passion. He just doesn’t like school. Big deal.

I know a girl who has withdrawn. She’s shy and afraid because she doesn’t have friends. Nobody sees anything in her. But I see a warm heart. A spirit that cares about other people. If only others would see it in her too.

Whatever it is people tell you that you suck in, you don’t suck. You’re just good at something else. Remember that.

We all just need someone to believe in us.

So I believe in you. And I want to see you succeed. Because sometimes all we need is a boost.

You are a good writer. You are a good mother. You are a good student. You have value. You have a good smile. You care. You are good at alot of things.

The world is yours. Your future is bright. You can get through this. You will meet that special someone. You are not alone.

If all of this is true, which it is, why not cheer up? Why not go out and do something great! I dare you to use that talent. Show the world you can. Prove everyone else wrong, and prove me right!

I bet you will. Because I know deep inside us all is a desire to be somebody, to make a difference. So go for it! Seize life, stop making excuses and start making progress.

You can.
